we hadn't had much, it was a simple event, but it was special nonetheless. no major fuck ups, couple of lates and no-shows, oh and a couple of unexpected-shows. shelly was looking superb... if you would excuse me just let me ponder for a second and wonder "how did i land myself such a beautiful wife?"...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ok fine, i admit it, i have no idea. did i say she was beautiful? damm i love this woman. the solemnization was a simple enough affair, nothing extravagant, which brings to home the point, stripped of all the bangs and whistles, love can be really simple. perhaps we all can learn to be less selfish, less demanding, more patient, more loving.
there was lots of fun, love laughter, and alcohol. i think i got pretty drunk, guess my alcoholic days are way over.... seems like a process of domestication haha. she did, i guess, tamed me. wild horse met his match, the horse whisperer beckons and its back to the stables.
i am thankful for all who showed up, friends and relatives, all that really mattered. it is important to me that they be around, to witness this very very significant event of my life. i love her, and i never imagined i would be able to love in this manner. dad, mum, sis and aunt, thank you all for being there, loving me, caring for me all through my life. friends of old...ben and isaac, thank you all for your unwavering friendship through the years. kay lin, for your wisdom and prayers. to all of shelly's friends, thanks for showing up. you guys have no idea how important your presence is to her. and to my wife, for without you none of it would have been possible. i love you