Wednesday, November 30, 2005

My Life will be better if…

Life will be better if...

I become a better friend, lover and husband to my very lovely wife, also a mother to be. My relationship with her becomes more loving, romantic and intimate.
I have more time to spend with her, to make love all the time, cook for her, kiss and hug her, and ultimately loving her. I can join her for ante-natal classes, and bring her swimming to help her keep fit during her pregnancy.

I have more money to splurge on my wife, to fulfill not only her basic needs but also her every desires and dreams. I can bring her to Japan’s Hello Kitty Land, revisit Hong Kong, and head to Europe. I can bring her shopping regularly, buy her clothes and make her feel beautiful (she’s going be a hot mama!) I can afford a Doula to guide her during her pregnancy, and help ease any discomfort she experiences carrying our little bundle. I can satisfy her every food craving during her pregnancy. I can afford a car so she can travel around comfortably.

I am more proficient and efficient in my career. Command a higher pay, manage and prioritise my time and finances better.